Marks roofing
Use roofing materials with a solar reflectance index ( SRI)equal to or greater than the values in the table below for a minimum of of the roof surface. Roofing materials having a lower SRI value than those listed below may be used if the weighted rooftop SRI average meets the following criteria: . Since dirt accumulation can alter the performance of high - albedo roofs as an energy efficiency measure, we examined some high-albedo coatings at various stages of exposure to . After a brief introduction concerning the. Traditional dark roofs strongly absorb this sunlight, heating both the building and the surrounding air. We search for existing methods and materials to implement fighter colors on major building and urban surfaces. Their cost effectiveness are examined and the possible related technical, maintenance, and . The only practical material which approaches this level is stainless steel with an SRI of 112. High Albedo Roofing is known to have higher . High - reflectivit...