How to install vinyl siding starter strips

Quality products can only perform well if they are installed properly. Vinyl siding is no exception. In this episode, learn about Starter Strips - Insulated. Staret Strip secures the first course of siding to the home. This video shows how to install a starter strip for.

Some of these mounting strips are the same for both horizontal and vertical siding. Because horizontal siding is by far the most common type use we focus on its installation here. The bottom of the starter strip (the part the bottom panel hooks on to) should be at least in. It protects the sheathing from rain, snow and pests. Spend the extra few bucks on the wider . While you can expect differences among manufacturers, siding systems generally include 12-ft.

J-channel, utility channel, corner moldings and metal starter strips. In addition, vented and unvented soffits, as well as fascia covers, are available. The corner posts should run from ⁄inch ( cm) below the bottom of the starter strip to just beneath the eaves, after the soffit pieces have been installed. The starter strip is the first strip of vinyl siding that is nailed to the wall.

It is a small strip of vinyl . Measure the length of siding needed. Use snips to cut through the flanges. Continue to cut through the material, cutting the. Nail the starter strip to the house every inches. When the wall surface is uneven, shim out the starter strip to avoid a wavy appearance in the finished siding job.

Drive nails to remove excessive play in starter, but do not . As its name implies, a starter strip is one of the initial steps during the installation of vinyl siding. You attach the bottom of the first row of siding to the top of this starter strip. For the remaining vinyl siding panels to be installed correct and level , beginning with the lowest row, you must install the starter strip correctly. A starter strip that is not matched to the lock design of the siding may allow . Many mounting strips are the same . I will be residing my house with vinyl in the next few weeks.

I want to ensure the courses match on all sides of the house. ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION. In order for the vinyl siding to be installed properly in a level fashion, the starter strip at the bottom of the wall must be level.

The starting chalk line should be located so that it represents the top, not the bottom, of the starter strip. Staggered nailing will reduce stress and ensure more even installation of the corner post. Nail first up and the down post, alternating sides as you nail.

There are two basic steps to installing vinyl siding : installing the trim pieces and installing the siding itself. Every place where vinyl siding joins something else—a window, a door, another wall—requires the appropriate trim . House Insulation and House Wrap. Installing Starter Strip for vinyl siding.

Alternative Starting Methods. Positioning the Starter Strip. Steel Siding Shear (Guillotine). Windows, Doors and Roof Lines.


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