Stomach flu

Symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Fever, lack of energy, and dehydration may also occur. This typically lasts less than two weeks.

Stomach_fluredirect=no Сохраненная копия Похожие Перевести эту страницу Stomach flu. From , the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Rotavirus A, the most common, causes more than of infections in humans. The virus is transmitted by the faecal-oral route.

Norovirus, sometimes referred to as the winter vomiting bug , is the most common cause of gastroenteritis. Infection is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Blood is not usually present.

Fever or headaches may also occur. Recovery typically occurs . It causes diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Gastroenteritis is a medical term for inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It usually happens because of infection by a virus or bacteria. Other common terms for gastroenteritis include infectious diarrhea, stomach bug , and stomach virus.

It is sometimes called stomach flu. Sapovirus is a genetically diverse genus of single-stranded positive-sense RNA, non-enveloped viruses within the Caliciviridae family. Together with norovirus, sapoviruses are the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis (commonly called the stomach flu although it is not related to influenza) in humans and other . It infects and damages the cells that line the small intestine and causes gastroenteritis (which is often called stomach flu despite having no relation to influenza).

How to Cope with a Stomach Flu. Viral gastroenteritis, also known as stomach virus , is a common medical problem many face each year. It cannot be treated by antibiotics ,. Salmonella and campylobacter bacteria are the most common bacterial causes of gastroenteritis in the U. Although not as common, bacteria such as E. A stomach virus is rarely anything serious, but it can knock you off your feet for a few days. Your body will get rid of the virus on its own, but there are a few things you can do to give your body what. Мясо особенно склонно к переносу вирусов.

Не пейте неочищенную воду или . You may experience nausea and a lack of appetite during the flu illness. Drinking hot soup or broth is a good way to get food into your system without upsetting your stomach. Studies have shown that chicken . Colburn tells Luis that ia has a possible stomach virus and wishes to keep her overnight for examination. Tummy bug explanation free.

Bland foods dont irritate your stomach. Common symptoms of the stomach flu include upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea. Eveyone in my house has this stomach virus.

And nothing anyone takes will stop the Diarrhea.


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