Metal roof rake edge detail

Exposed Fastener Installation Method. The installation detail that we are looking at now is the exposed fastener gable trim. On one side of the trim piece, the roof side, we have a fastening flange.

We also have the exterior face that has the drip edge on it and this piece caps off the gable of the roof. If I put this piece in place, .

Just simple 3D animated digital instructions on how to install rake trim on a MasterRib metal roof. Panel should overhang eave 1”. If panel is properly aligned proceed to step 3. Attach rake edge to roof with a 1” painted neoprene metal to wood fastener spaced at . Metal rake - edge roof flashing is treated as a commodity product. Gable or Rake Trim is attached to the sloping edges of roof gables to prevent wind-driven rain from penetrating the exposed undersides of the roof panels that connect the ridge and the eave of your home.

It is designed for maximum effectiveness and aesthetics.

I just finished installing a R panel metal roof on a covered patio. If he slides the trim down and recuts it to get the bend down on the tip detail , he will be opening a gap at the ridge. Union Corrugating panels and trim details. Avoid working on metal roofs during wet conditions when the panels can become extremely slippery.

Striations and bends on the flashing provide strength and match the lines of your other edge trims. Gable Trim designed to finish off the edge of the roof (gable or rake ). The run of the panel is 220. Is there a simple way to do that? Do I need a mechanical tool to form a tight bend?

Allan Reid Dura-Loc Roofing Systems, Inc. As a manufacturer of some standing seam, we have found that an eave detail which allows for locking over the bototm edge of the roof panels, including. I am installing my first (and hopefully last) steel roof. I have run into an issue.

I would have compensated for it on the other edge. I want to avoid the modern boxed- edge look on the rakes that you see on a lot of standing seam roofs.

Is it possible to hem the rakes using a drip edge trim the same way I will be hemming the eves? It is my belief that hemmed rake details are weaker under wind uplift than a fastened rake details. Residential rake trim flashes the endwall edge overhangs of the steel on the roof.

Brand Name: Premium Pro- Steel. Technical Specifications. They form a long, narrow piece of metal , which is installed along the perimeter your Roof k. Drip edge goes along your eaves trough areas and rake edge goes along your gable ends. They both look very similar and are often not differentiated in name by some suppliers and simply called drip edge.

Whether or not to extend the steel roof beyond the rake depends on your trim details. The type of metal trim you have chosen . Circular saws or angle grinders are not recommended to cut steel roofing. Always install Quality Edge Standing Seam panels from right to left, beginning with the far.

Rake trim lower edge is installed flush with roof steel lower edge. Install pieces closest to eave first, then install up the rake , working from eave toward peak, with peak underneath earlier installed ridge cap.


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