Iko torch on roofing

The product is coated top and bottom with select SBS polymers and premium quality asphalt, and has ceramic coated mineral granules embedded in the surface to . As a global leader in the manufacture and supply of asphaltic commercial roofing products, IKO Industries has facilities strategically located throughout Canada. From modified bitumen systems to built-up and insulation, IKO continues to innovate and grow, remaining vertically integrated from top to . View the IKO SBS built-up system. NOTE: For specific membranes or assemblies consult . There have been many concerns over the years about the application of torch -on systems and the use of naked flame systems in the bituminous roofing industry. The majority had been through drying roofs . At Roofing Superstore our choice of flat roof materials includes everything you need to create a long-lasting, weather proof flat roof that performs and looks good too.

Including fibreglass roof kits, torch -on felt, and liquid rubber products, everything you need for flat roofing is in one place. IKO T-O Venting Layer is a glass fibre based perforated venting underlay, finished with sand surfacing on the topside and a polyethylene film on the reverse. The upper surface is finished with fine sand and the lower surface has a sacraficial film which rapidly melts during the torching operation.

Designed for use on both . We use products from IKO including heat welded and mechanically attached membranes. Secure online shopping and next day delivery from the Roofing Specialists. It is suitable for both top layers and under layers of APP roofing systems. The manufacturers of Nuralite membrane systems. International supplier of torchon membranes, PIR insulation and shingles.

IKO Waterproofing Shed Felt is a traditional bitumen coated roofing felt with a protective and decorative fine mineral finish. We supply trade quality DIY and home improvement products at great low prices. This was done in a carefully planned process.

The System installed was IKO Ultra Prevent Capsheet fully torch bonded to Systems TO underlay fully bonded to Tapered PIR rigid insulation bonded with PU Adhesive on IKO Sealbase 2mm Vapour control layer fully bonded to primed concrete deck. The building remained live . IKOs SBS Underlay are produced using glass carrier tissue coated in a rapid flow SBS Rubber modified bitumen finished with a fine sand. It has a protective film that melts quickly for a quick and easy application of the felt. Ref: 0Category: Flat Roofing. The reinforcements are impregnated and then coated with a polymer modified bitumen which provides good high temperature . Contact 21st Century Roofers Ltd.

Torch -on membranes have an . Fort Langley, BC V1M 2ROpen Daily 8am-6pm. HomeStars Review Our Work. The embossed backing helps rapid dispersion of the torching film, making application fast and secure. Economy grade SBS torch-on roofing membrane with a polyester carrier and a year materials guarantee. IKO can assess and appraise your current roofing situation, while always.

IKO can reduce any disruption to a school before, during and after installation.


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