Iko cambridge shingles installation instructions

Applying Asphalt Shingles on Low Slopes. This Blueprint for Roofing Shingle Application Guide is designed to help you understand the process taking place as you replace or repair your roof. Then play them a second time and compare the information with the roof installation instructions printed on the . How to apply IKO roof shingles in a correct manner? This tutorial shows the roofer the different steps.

Whether you are applying Architectural or Traditional 3-Tab Shingles , it is recommended that you read and. Nail position for laminated shingles : XPRESS LANE = NAILING LANE for more accurate nailing. Half-inch plywood is recommended for best deck performance. REROOFING: Split and re-nail . Both top coats are covered with colored ceramic granules to protect shingles from fading in the sunlight.

Немає даних про цю сторінку. High Wind Application” means the installation of Shingles using the specific instructions that appear on the Shingle wrapper. Some local building codes may require additional fasteners. Cambridge AR combines beauty with contemporary strength. Durable and aesthetic, they can be used on new building projects or for refurbishing everything from stables . Their exposure is bigger than most in their class, to go down fast and easy.

And with full coverage, the job costs associated with extra bundles and the labour to install them are lowere too. Proper installation is vital. When installing laminated shingles you should use corrosion-resistant IKO roofing nails with a length of 30 . Installation Instructions.

The proper application instructions for your shingles can be found on each and every bundle wrapper. Максимальный угол, за счет самоклеящегося слоя, черепицу можно монтировать на вертикальную стену. Монтируйте кровлю от до Преимущества этой . Just ask for Hip and Ridge Cap Shingles.

IKO -SBS modified adhesive sealant for maximum wind protection. InStAllAtIon InStRuCtIonS. Cut Hip and Ridge shingles into fourths, using the perforation marks as a guide.

ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addresse nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implie as. We walk you through the different styles of asphalt shingles available, and give you the easiest way to start the process of Choosing a Color. Limited Algae Resistance Warranty.

Find our selection of roofing shingles at the lowest price guaranteed with price match. Technical Data Sheets (TDS) may be found by clicking on the product link, unless indicated otherwise. Manufacturer: IKO Industries Ltd.

Contact Address: See the current Membership list and . APP modified bitumen shingles. Underlay: (Not all are required - see instructions ). IKO Armourbase 3 a mm glassfibre based oxidised bitumen membrane. PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC.


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