Roof drain

Below you can find the different roof drains that Wade US offers. For additional information on sizing and other specifications, simply download the submittal sheets located underneath each product. FUNCTION: Used in any type of flat roofs and . RoofDrainExpress offers a large selection of roof drains , drain covers, parts and accessories from leading manufacturers like Zurn, OMG, Canplas and more. Our versatile selection of commercial roof drains includes polypropylene, cast iron or cast aluminum strainers, have large capacity and are designed for rooftops as well as ground-level planting areas.

Duro-Last prefabricated drain boots can be used in most circular roof drains and are specifically designed with a skirt made of Duro-Last EV membrane.

Find and purchase roof drains and replacement parts from top manufacturers, including Zurn, Josam, Smith and Wade. Thunderbird Products is a manufacturer of copper vents and drains. We supply a range of roof drains and vents in aluminum and copper a for your commercial roofing needs. We also offer nylon seals.

OMG Roofing Products offers solutions for a wide variety of commercial roofing applications. A high visibility reversible roof drain marker. Industry professional testimonies.

Working smarter not harder.

Flat roof drains made of Ecoguss or polymer. In addition to a practical leaf trap to prevent blockages, flat roof drains are also available as an option in heated versions to secure the functional capability. The Roof Drain must be designed to drain off rain water in the most effective manner possible while maintain an aesthetic appeal. To select the proper roof drai.

Speaking the language of a roofing can be difficult to master. This is the case when you hear a contractor talking about a scupper versus a roof drain. MF-Roof Drain with Sump. Thumbnails Document Outline Attachments. Suitable for hydrocarbons containing up to 1 aromatics.

Natural negative buoyancy. Field tested and approved for years. Easy to handle and to set up. Long service life (up to years). Trelleborg Fluid Handling . Download all available documents.

Roof drains are designed to carry water away from the roof to protect it. A roof drain installed with the wrong size of pipe will not perform as expected. In fact, it may generate more problems than it solves.

We have now added and Downspout Nozzles. Check out our flow testing page for our manufacturers published flow. More coming soon. It will be available in thru sizes.

FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Scope of Roofing by Roofer. Searching for Roof Drain Roof and Floor Drains? Log-in or register for your pricing.

Ultra select plus Copper from Murphco is a set consisting of Murphco Ultra drain as base element with an integrate strainer attached permanently in copper. The strainer screw cap protects the drainage system against the vandalism while allowing necessary access for maintenance.


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